Learn complete Physics Video Lectures on Gravitation for IIT JEE by Ashish Arora. This is the most comprehensive website on Physics covering all the topics in detail. No wonder, in its trial run itself, this one of its kind website topped the world ranking on Physics learning.
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The website, aimed at nurturing grasping power students, has classroom lectures on almost all the topics. It is an outcome of 23-year long toil of Physics expert who has made it a mission to simplify the complexities of Physics.
Ashish Arora, the brain behind this interactive unique website, has all his lectures available on web for free of cost. He has created a youtube channel in the name of Physics Galaxy. Today more than 6000 video lectures are being watched per day on this website which is highest among any other e-learning website in India. Till now more than 3.6 Million videos are watched on it. On each video subtitles are also available in 67 languages using google translator including English, Hindi, Chinese, French, Marathi, Bangla, Urdu and other regional and international languages.
Besides uploading transcripts of all his videos, he has created a software based synchronized European voice accent of all videos to benefit students in USA, Europe and other countries.
Reference link of this video is at