If you use creative visualization or remote viewing techniques to win the lottery, your message to the universe must be accompanied by vibrations. Only proceeding so, your message will be effective. It is because the two main reasons. The first reason is that we are both a physical and a spiritual being and we need to use all the forces and capabilities of these aspects of us, if we want to beat a complex system such as lotto game is. The second reason is because the universe helps to who requests from whole his being. Physically we will work on our lotto system permanently, but our spirit can observe things beyond our normal rate of awareness.. It is because our spirit operates outside of time and space. Remote viewing, for example, helps us to wake up to a new world of spirituality that opens our mind and soul up to the possibilities that lie both in the ethereal and concrete universe.
The basis of remote viewing and creative visualization success is built on our intensive and positive vibrations. When our mind seeks out an information, we send out also, a certain quantity and quality of energy in the form of vibrations, based on the intensity of our intentions. But the intensity of our intention depends on the kind of thoughts, feelings and beliefs we have before we start the remote viewing session. Perhaps it is the central point to remember and consider when you form any mental image about lotto. This is the point upon which depends the success or failure of our actions. To prepare better for success, and avoid failure, we will learn now how to send out intense and positive vibrations. We have a fascinating power to change our life. We need only to decide to use it with conviction in everyday life, as well as in special occasions.
Vibration is a physical manifestation of our body, but its origin is on the spiritual plan. When you vibrate, this means that your whole being wants to accomplish something in your reality. Only at that stage of vibration, your request to the universe, is effective. At that stage, you can be sure that you get what you want. To get that stage, it can be achieved only through repetition and practice. That wonderful vibration, which lasts only a few fractions of a second, is the key to the big money from your lotto system.
I began to experience an intense vibration running throughout my body, after a period of intense practice about a month. It is hard to describe in words what you will feel. You should reach that moment to feel it in order to understand. You will feel it as a mixture of pure vibration and a short, but full-body contractions. It is when you feel the vibrations from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. It is a thrill and pleasure and pain simultaneously. The character of the vibrations is rhythmic and lasts throughout your exercise, with short pauses. If my desire is intensively, I always feel this vibration. Once you tasted this sensation, it will not go away anymore.
If you want to shorten the training period and win quickly the lottery, you can start to train the vibrations in the same time in which you start to analyze the last 50 drawings of your system. First you do 10 minutes of vibration exercises and continue with the analysis of the previous draws. And you will continue to do so every day, until you will finish the analysis of previous draws and reach the actual live draw. You can start by performing a static exercise. Start by local vibration of a single muscle or a group of muscles, and stimulate it by a constant physical action of vibration. Increase this dynamic action gradually. The vibrations in muscle transmit a specific signal through the central nervous system. So, with the time, it will create a reflex and you will be prepared for the natural vibration which appears during the remote viewing session or creative visualization.