Tag: hollow

Performances in Hansaviertel: Hollow Earth

Subtitles available in English and Spanish. May 20, 2011 The Office Tiergarten Eins (Eternithaus). Steve Rowell’s “Hollow Earth” imports sounds from distant underground spaces to the Tiergarten. Utilizing the translucent glass box of the Eternithaus building as a resonant medium, Rowell displaces the listener by amplifying these recorded, remote room tones, thereby de-contextualizing the present, […]

Hollow Earth Theory Explained In Telugu || భూమి లోపల మరో ప్రపంచం దాగి ఉందా ? || Telugu Facts

people have believed that there is another world lying under the earth.The picture of the structure of the Earth that has been arrived at through the study of seismic waves[50] is quite different from a fully hollow Earth. The time it takes for seismic waves to travel through and around the Earth directly contradicts a […]

Washington Irving — The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (8% Slowed Down Free Audio Book)

This free audio book was slowed down using Audio Speed Changer Pro: Windows downloader of free audio books: Audio book player for Windows: SuperUtils bundle offers including the Angel’s Vox audiobook player, Audio Speed Changer Pro, and Audio Book Downloader Pro: The original-length version of the audiobook ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving’ […]

What if the Earth were Hollow?

Link to keep watching over on Vsauce’s channel RIGHT HERE: What if there were a tunnel through the middle of the earth and you jumped in? Also, explore a map of the big bang! MinutePhysics is on Google+ – And facebook – And twitter – @minutephysics Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of […]