Tag: spirit world

The Concept of the Witch

The concept of the Witch in Western culture has gone through a rather interesting evolution, morphing from ‘wise one’ to ‘bride of Satan,’ and then to a watered down neo-pagan cult figure. The neo-pagan view can safely be ignored, I think, since it is not a real belief but more of a stance–in pre-Christian times […]

Is Visualization Safe For Christians?

Any form of the word visualization seems to cause a lot of controversy in the Christian world. I’m not talking about conjuring up your spirit guide or anything like that. What I’m referring to is in the area of setting goals. Seeing what it is you want to accomplish. We all do it but without […]

Right Use Of Words Connects To World Reality

Some people will view you as an elitist or a “know-it-all,” things like that. Don’t let that be your problem, for the real concern is whether or not the issue is based on the reasonableness of evidence, rather than on inappropriate assumptions. You are likely to discover unique things that disprove the false myths imbedded […]

An Interview With Ross Bartlett

I had the pleasure to chat with Teen Psychic, Ross Bartlett this week, and believe me I was blown away. The nineteen year old from Southern England is the most calm, relaxed, spiritually centred, western-world teenager I have ever spoken with. Well, grilled. To ease gently into my 2 page A4, margin removed, half line […]