
Defending Against Coronavirus: Importance of Thymus Gland Stimulation

Many are familiar, I’m sure, with the term ‘happiness is an inside job’, while many more with ‘the kingdom of heaven is within’. Two sentences originating centuries apart with both expressing profound eternal truth. The term ‘within’, of course, is directional, in that, whatever we’re truly seeking in life, be it health, healing, happiness, Immunity […]

Speaking Truth – Many Words Trap Us

“Where words are many, sin is not absent.” Proverbs 10:19 CAN YOU RELATE WITH the frustration in reflection of having heard yourself exaggerate something to make it sound more appealing or sensational? Why do we do this? Children do it all the time. Adults do it to. Is it because we are trying to gain […]

On Judicial Supremacy in America and in Israel

The Wall Street Journal published my letter-to-the-editor concerning current debates about the Israeli judiciary. I tried to draw parallels between judicial supremacy in Israel, and in the United States. Here is the opening (with all due credit to Judge Sutton): The fundamental question in any system of government is: Who decides? America’s founders framed a […]

Achieving Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is generally an overlooked aspect of wellness and healing. However, it is actually the ultimate goal of holistic medicine, and leads to a heightened awareness of the Divine Spirit referred to by all religions. It doesn’t matter what name you give it. What matters is that you come to know and attune yourself […]

The Universe: UFOs Caught Visiting Earth (S6, E6) | Full Episode

Many argue that flying saucers and other extra-terrestrial space ships continuously visit the earth. If that were true, what kinds of technologies would such alien spacecraft require? See more in Season 6, Episode 6, “UFOs: The Real Deal.” #TheUniverse Subscribe for more from The Universe and other great The HISTORY Channel shows: Check out exclusive […]