What is a Soul? How does it, the Soul, govern what you do and how you do it? Is it possible to move forward along your Spiritual Path and fulfill your Life’s Purpose if there is an energetic piece missing from your Soul?
The short and sweet answer to the question posed above is, yes. Yes it is possible to move forward and fulfill your Life’s Purpose without retrieving or restoring the missing piece of your Soul.
Before going any further, allow me to address the question of “What is a Soul”. In my way of understanding, a Soul is that part of you which is all encompassing. Meaning it is everything, it is all things great and small. It is all-seeing and all-knowing. Additional ways of describing a Soul, your Soul, is a pure and perfect channel of light and love that which is received from Divine Source.
It is the most sacred of all elements or energies that create the power within the deepest parts of your inner-Self radiating unconditional love and light essence of that which reflects your Higher Self. A Soul is the vessel of all that is Sacred within your physical entity and that which is Spiritual Energy in its purest form.
Your Soul holds or is the keeper of Esoteric Knowledge and Wisdom, the Secrets of the Ages. When you chose to incarnate or re-incarnate into physical form, you brought with you all you would ever need. When a Soul Entity descends from the Realm of Spirit into dense physical form, the energy imprint of this Soul Entity passes through what is called the Veil of Forgetfulness.
Passing through this veil creates many challenges once life in physical form manifests or becomes tangible. For many LightWorkers and Spiritual-Seekers, it often feels as if there is something missing. That something is most often a part of your Soul.
In truth your Soul is always intact. It is not fragmented or damaged in any way. So what am I trying to share with you? The something which feels as though it is missing, is remembering the energy imprint of the whole as it is intended, whole and complete perfection.
Imagine for a moment you have shared your life with someone you loved dearly. It could be a sister, brother, parents, a best friend or a Soul Mate. When you have given your heart, your whole heart to someone and that person is no longer with you or a part of your life you don’t simply forget. The energy imprint, the experiences remain with you always. True memory fades with time and the pain of loss does ease with healing.
If you were honest with yourself for even one moment, would you not agree that the loss, the feeling that something just isn’t the same is always with you? You have memories of being completed, at peace and experiencing joy and happiness.
Now imagine for a moment that your Soul experiences the same kind of memory. It longs for that piece of itself, a phantom energy that is there and yet it is not there. It is as if it, your Soul, is always searching for the something more, the missing link to your True Self in all its glory.
So where are we going with this? That something more the piece of your Core Essence may have somehow become separated at birth, during your dissention from the Realm of Spirit into physical form. It is also possible that an experience early in this life resulted in causing a ripple in your Soul’s energy imprint leaving a sense of something being out of place or holding you back from all you are meant to be.
The good news is, it is more than possible to retrieve that part of you that is preventing you from moving forward with your life, clearing the deep-seated issues of trust, faith, being loved and accepted, releasing energy blockages that cause pain and sorrow.
This is the first in a series of articles on Soul Restoration.