Category: Spirituality

Victory Over Stress Through Meditation

Meditation is a mental state which allows the person to isolate himself/herself from daily obligation and to concentrate on a point of from to eliminate stress. Meditation is perhaps, the oldest procedure still in existence and undoubtedly it is one of the most efficient for acquiring mental peace and dispelling stress and tension. Because of […]

Spiritual Contracts — There Are No Victims

There is a popular philosophy among people who explore spirituality which is often discussed by Sylvia Brown and which appears in her written work that describes a spiritual contract we enter into when we begin our various incarnations. In that contract we agree to accept and experience everything which will happen to us in our […]

Healing Touch – Claircognizance – How We Know What We Know to Be True

Inner knowing is a skill that involves recognizing how we know things not in ordinary ways. The psychological term for this is claircognizance. However, we might recognize it from the many scriptural stories as “inner knowing.” It is when we receive thoughts, ideas, and concepts that we didn’t learn about in ordinary ways. Upon reflection, […]

Spirituality and Personality: The Psycho-Spiritual Controversy

If you have been involved in either therapy or counselling, or spirituality and meditation, in recent years you have probably encountered two basic, polarized viewpoints concerning personality. Essentially it amounts to this: therapists are pro-personality (and its improvement through healing neurosis etc.) while spiritual teachers proclaim personality a big waste of time, since neurotic or […]

The Beatitudes – Knowing Natural Happiness and Divine Peace Within

Contrary to formal religion perception, the Beatitudes are not about a man teaching spiritual truths to a gathered audience on a hilltop. When esoterically understood, the Beatitudes are about realization of our Higher Self, the attainment of lasting peace and true happiness by means of real connection with God-nature. Composed through this God-nature or Higher […]