The Underground with Joel Richardson show #74
In this episode, Joel interviews Dr. Heiser on a range of relevant and controversial issues. Flat Earth, Enoch, the Watchers, Hell, and Gog. Why people are attracted to conspiracy theories like flat earth – and why are they dangerous?
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What is the flat earth theory – the flat earth theory explained. and it’s not okay to think that the earth is flat?
A man launched himself in a self-made rocket 1 875 feet above the desert to try and prove his theory that the earth is flat…
Many believers at the flat earth international conference an educational seminar about our planet support a theory that earth is flat.
The earth is flat – modern “theories” suggesting the earth is flat are ignorant of basic experiential data historical scientific findings and how technologies like smartphone functions says bill nye the science guy.
5 facts that prove the earth is flat.
if the earth is flat why do we orbit around the sun?.. an astronomer responds to flat earth theory. the us rocket enthusiast “mad” mike hughes is looking to blast himself into outer space to check for himself whether the earth is flat or a globe… bill nye: is the earth flat or round? many believers at the flat earth international conference an educational seminar about our planet support a theory that earth is flat.
proving the earth is flat!
flat earth theory – an astronomer responds to flat earth theory. and the pictures from space show our world as a globe and yet somehow there are some people that still seem to believe the earth is flat.
is the earth flat? the flat earth theory explained.
we asked him what he thought of flat earth theory a school of thought which believes that the earth is not spherical but flat…
he added he finds the flat earth and hollow earth theories the most baffling due to the wealth of scientific research on the subject…
not only is this a lie but isn’t it an amazing coincidence that the only easily checkable thing just happens to look identical on a flat earth and also a globe?
books about the flat earth theory- .
Kyrie Irving flat earth – kyrie irving on flat earth theory, lebron james & nba all-star game. kyrie irving explains his flat earth conspiracy theory.
Celtics jaylen brown wants to talk to kyrie irving about flat earth theory | onscene | espn. watch and see what happened when kevin hart sat with kyrie irving and russell westbrook at #mtndewkickstart courtside studios. neil degrasse tyson rips kyrie irving’s flat earth nonsense | tmz sports.
kyrie irving makes flat-earth joke in new commercial. jaylen brown wants to talk to kyrie irving about flat earth | boston celtics.
conspiracy theories – conspiracy theories.
mh370 “island” conspiracy theory doesn’t die. alex jones is not the only guy making a career out of conspiracy theories.
Why you can never argue with conspiracy theorists | argument clinic | wired. almost anything can become the topic of conspiracy theories and that includes one of Americas major airports.
top 10 craziest conspiracy theories about the illuminati?
flat earth – flat earth? so the time was right for the flat earth international conference the first of its kind held at the beginning of november outside of raleigh nc.
Hey flat earthers it’s time to put your theory to bed once and for all!
Demonstrates absurdity of “flat earth”. not only is this a lie but isn’t it an amazing coincidence that the only easily checkable thing just happens to look identical on a flat earth and also a globe?
we asked him what he thought of flat earth theory a school of thought which believes that the earth is not spherical but flat… is the earth flat? 5 facts that prove the earth is flat.