Can you believe it’s nearly Christmas again already? Well, believe it!
That’s right, it’s the first Sunday of December, so you know what that means . . . or maybe you don’t . . . or maybe you do . . . or maybe you don’t! It’s time for the December Open Thread!
Do you want to discuss the smoking gun in the JFK files?
Do you want to delve into the Mysteries of Sea Ice or decode the Riddle of Steel?
Do you want to parse the latest political drama over CBDC cronyism?
Do you want to laugh at the latest “because of climate change” claim?
Or do you just want to discuss which Corbett Report DVDs you asked Santa for this Christmas?
Whatever the case, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and engage in discussion in the comments below.
Not a Corbett Report member yet? Sign up today and join the conversation.
Filed in: Articles