Throughout the centuries there have been geniuses and illuminated souls who have been able to unlock secrets of universe. They tapped strata of mental and spiritual power to achieve the elevated heights of achievements. Cosmic consciousness is achieved when we are able to align our individual consciousness to God’s cosmic consciousness.
Generally a person lives an unhappy, confused and depressed life. He has no purpose or direction of life due to lack of knowledge of his true self. When a supreme master or guru awakens the dormant kundalini Shakti, the person start to experience the truth and realize the potential of his own being.
Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji born in Bihar [1878-1994] was an exceptional master of mystical science. He left his home in childhood for the search of ultimate reality.
After years of austerities and intense searching, Shri Madhusudan dasji still had not achieved goal of self realization. Mastering different yogi philosophies and sciences for 30 long years he was yet not satisfied with his spiritual advancement.
Finally in 1921 he met Shri Parmeshwar Dasji his final teacher and a great yogic Guru in the mountains of Mt.Abu. Shri Parmeshwardasji gave him shaktipaat initiation, he immediately went into meditative state lasting for 3 days.Shri Parmeshwar Dasji was a divinely appointed, self realized immortal yogi, who always radiates a perceptible glow and super fine vibrations of divinity and cosmic consciousness.Parmeshwar dasji was a mystical, immortal and a supreme yogi.
Later on the Parmeshwar Dasji gave him the vision of Hanuman. This clearly indicates that Shri Parmeshwar Dasji was none other than the lord Hanuman, the epitome of ultimate devotion and consciousness.
Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji was a unique being. As a result of his own spiritual quest, and more specifically, through the grace and guidance of Shri Parmeshwar Dasji, he became a master of Kundalini Maha Yoga, with the power to awaken the dormant Kundalini in spiritual aspirants.
Dhyanyogi Madhusudan Dasji was a Kundalini yogi and had initiated only those who were spiritually ripe and receptive to yogic marg. The method of this yoga is awakening of Kundalini by Shakti – Paat, whereby transmitting his yogic powers to the disciple. The yoga is known as Kundalini Yoga or Laya Yoga.
The saint community in India equated his status to that of Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. He was an adept who could transfer his own energy and awaken the Kundalini Shakti of another person by touch, mantra or even intent from distance.