Dreams Are The Doorway to Your Soul: How To Make Use of Your Subconscious

Do you ever wonder if your dreams have any significance? Why do you have certain dreams repeatedly? Research shows that dreams are an essential part of our life and have a purpose. Sleep is the time when our body rests and relaxes. The mind, however, is still mulling over what happened during the day. Eventually, your mind rests and your subconscious mind takes over. The subconscious mind has total recall and stores all of the soul’s experiences.

It pays to pay attention to your dreams. Carl Jung and Edgar Cayce both believed that all phases of man’s nature are revealed in his dream for the purpose of directing him to higher, more balanced accomplishments in his physical, mental, and spiritual life.

Types of Dreams

Since the conscious mind can get in the way of accessing the information in the subconscious mind, sleep is a time for the subconscious mind to speak and tell its story.

Some dreams are literal, some are symbolic. Others are simply a mixture of the two. Often people translate their dreams literally without asking if the dream is symbolic. Your soul/subconscious communicates in symbols or pictures.

For example:

Some dreams are referred to as Junk Dreams.Often a person may have what is referred to as a “junk” dream. These are dreams that the subconscious mind itself creates to allow the accumulated stress and clutter from the day’s events to be released. There is not significant meaning to such dreams.

Remembering Your Dreams

Dreams are unique and individual to each person’s personality and problems. Many people say they don’t remember their dreams. According to Edgar Cayce, there are four reasons for why you don’t remember your dreams.

  • Lack of interest
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Impurities in the body
  • Materialism

How to remember…

Step 1: The first step in stimulating the recall of dreams is to tell yourself every night just before you fall asleep, I will remember my dreams.”

Step 2: Keep a pad and a pencil beside your bed. This will help the subconscious mind to awaken the conscious mind the moment an important dream occurs.

Step 3: Always go over a dream in your mind so it is firmly fixed before you start to write it. Once the dream is recorded, you can take your time interpreting it, because the information is permanently recorded in the subconscious and always accessible.

Step 4: Write down your dreams; make a note of whatever you remember. If parts come to you during the day, write them down. At this point, do not look for significance. Just keep a record of all the details you have.

The Messages of our Dreams

Edgar Cayce says that unless an individual is seeking to improve his spiritual life by asking for help in terms of prayer, his dreams will primarily be a meaningless jumble. If he is unselfishly seeking God’s help then the higher consciousness will monitor his dreams and give him a clear sense of direction in his daily life.

How can dreams help you? What kind of messages come though dreams?

Sometimes the purpose behind a message is a warning that something is interfering with your well being. Other times the message is one of comfort and love. Dream messages can also be global or universal in nature.

Dreams can…

  • help you understand and face yourself.
  • bring practical guidance for body, mind and spirit.
  • bring you practical guidance in business problems.
  • bring encouragement and inspiration; healing of the body, mind and spirit
  • show you ways to expand your consciousness.
  • bring you experiences in other dimensions, such as out-of-body experiences and memories of past-life experiences.

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a method of spiritual healing that also teaches one how to connect and communicate with their High Self (Spiritual) committee to understand and interpret dreams. In SRT, one is taught how to use a pendulum and a set of charts to figure out the meaning of the events, symbols, people, etc. The trick is to get the conscious mind to not only become aware of the message, but to understand the message

I feel it is important to remain open-minded to the possibility that we are multi-dimensional beings. Perhaps we have friends, guides, angels, and loved ones who visit us in our dreams. Perhaps we can stay open to receive healing and uplifting gifts through our dreams. In any case, dreams challenge us to transcend our fears, listen to the voice of our soul and become better people.

Source by Yamini Bhatt