The twenty-seventh episode (Apple Podcasts link here and Spotify link here) of Strangers on the Internet has me talking to the makers of short film “Cripfished,” an entrant in the 2023 Easterseals Disability Film Challenge.
Director Anna Pakman and actors Bree Klauser and Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez tell in their romantic comedy the fictional story of Logan (Melissa), who fakes being blind on a queer date with visually impaired Amy (Bree) because the latter only wants to go out with disabled people. On the podcast, we discuss not only the film but also dating with a disability in real life; come hear about Melissa’s journey to love with autism, the questions Anna has to answer about her wheelchair use, and the way Bree has felt more accepted for being legally blind than neurodivergent.
Bree also talks about the COVID-caused challenges of adapting her career from acting alongside Jason Momoa in AppleTV+ show “See” to mastering a variety of recording skills, and Anna discusses what the pandemic has done to dating for vulnerable folks in NYC. Join us for some stereotype-shattering fun and learning!