Tag: spiritual power

Spiritually Empowered Woman

The spiritually empowered woman is enriched with inner strength and self-esteem. Spirituality is about wholeness/holiness/alignment with the emotional, intellectual, psychic and physical self. Spirituality connects the Consciousness/Inner-self with the emotional, intellectual, and physical self (Body, Mind, Spirit). This bridge leads to Women’s Spiritual Empowerment. The spiritually empowered woman has become fully self-aware and has awakened […]

The 48 Laws of Power Through Spirituality

There are those of us that would like to succeed in life, but that do not want to do so at the expense of our morals and values. While others seek power through intimidation, fear, scape-goating and guilt, we choose to pursue success through the strength of our efforts, the quality of our work, the […]

Five Sources of Power in African Magick

There are five major sources of power – where any spell caster or magician receives their authority – in West African magickal tradition. These are the power of the magician at hand, the power of nature, the power of the ancestors, the power of spirits and the power of God. They are used and called […]

Spiritual Fasting – A Secret Source of Power

Fasting can help you to renew your body and your mind and to deepen your awareness of the spirit within you. On a physical level, as your body gets rid of toxins and has the opportunity to renew and recharge itself, many even seemingly incurable health problems will simply dissolve. Dr. Oda Birchinger who supervised […]

The Spiritual Power of Motherhood

I recently had a discussion with several friends about the spiritual pros and cons of motherhood (or parenthood really, although these were all women.) Specifically, we discussed how becoming a mother both boosts and challenges our religious faiths and spiritual practices. This was a pretty diverse group – three different Christian denominations, a Buddhist, an […]