A Post-Post Modernism Initiative

This article is a transition from the philosophy of postmodernism to post-post modernism. The elements of it are dialectical transcendentalism, metaphysical humanism, post-colonial ecumenism, epistemological anarchy and the theatre of psychology.

First I would like to explicate dialectical transcendentalism. I would like to trace the history of dialectics from dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism is a Marxian concept which traces the evolution of social struggles and social forces that pertain to the history of class struggle and calls warfare. Transcendentalism is the philosophy of the spiritual divine. Now what is dialectical transcendentalism? It is an occult leaning of materialism with the forces of spirituality. The foundation of life is spiritual and material progress. Life has to evolve from the material plane to the spiritual one. There is a gnosis of transition from the production of matter to the development of spiritual ethics. It is a calypso of living on earth with wants and desires satisfied and also yearning to accomplish a divine connection with the spirit. It is the spirit that regulates the body to lead a well-intended spiritual life. The means of production have to be sublimated to the satisfaction of the greater needs of the society. It is a norm which whereby the state aims to progress into a welfare society. The philosophy also aims at egalitarianism. There is an all-round spiritual and material progress.

The next element of the post-post modernism is metaphysical humanism. Metaphysics is proclamation of the divine spark in man. Humanism is the love, security and well-being of the human in philosophical terms. According to metaphysical humanism, man is a product of the divine and life in existential garb is to note the preciousness of life. Metaphysical humanism seeks to celebrate life. Metaphysical humanism is an existential philosophy of viewing life as a celebration, a catharsis of events which live in the soul as affirmation and negation. The choice a human makes is creative and democratic and adds on to the spiritual dignity and welfare of being.

The next concept of post-post modernism is epistemological anarchy. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge and anarchy is a creative process of affirming the core of life rooted to knowledge, and the production of intellectual knowledge. Epistemology is fecund with anarchic way of living. A mundane and moribund life is elevated to the sacerdotal of the divine. From nihilism and chaos there is a creative order of society. A normative society becomes an aesthetically fulfilling one. There’s creativity and beauty in the manner of living. Anarchy becomes the seed of creative living and intellectualism is the enhancement which traces its roots to cathartic nihilism of living life.

The next concept of post-post modernism is post-colonial ecumenism. This refers to the transition of colonial societies to creative democracies. Ecumenism is rooted to a creative, vibrant and echoing song of being rooted in a democracy. Post-colonial ecumenism seeks to annihilate violence and war and make societies pacific. There is a pacific freedom of living in a society, rooted to cultural freedom, and also affirming a multi-cultural pluralism. There is peace and progress in a society which shuns violence, repression and the use of force. Post-colonial ecumenism also refers to the development of a creative cultural life and anchoring in cultural roots which have been trampled by colonization.

The next concept in post-post modernism is the theatre of psychology. It seeks to reinterpret the Freudian philosophy of the ID, Ego and the Super-Ego. Yes, an individual in a creative mode of life has to deify the ID, the sublimate the Ego and subvert the super-ego. Life becomes a creative and cathartic process where individuality is not existentially compromised. The theatre of psychology aims to impart the ID to subliminal levels of boosting creativity. Individuality merges with the collective unconscious with the élan of life. The theatre of psychology aims to develop an anarchy of creative democracies. The next concept that I would like to use is Lacan’s concept of the gaze. The gaze of Lacan is a psychological metonymy. The gaze is the pathos of creativity individuality. The gaze is clinical, sexual and economic and also cathartic and spiritual. The clinical gaze is a psychiatric one taking place with the psychiatrist and the client. The gaze is sexual when it is rooted in erotica. The gaze is economic when it focuses on selling of entertainment. The cathartic gaze is a process of cognizing individuality and it is an inner process which seeks to address the needs of the soul.

To summarize, an insight into post-post modernism is to put critical concepts like dialectical transcendentalism, metaphysical humanism, epistemological anarchy, postcolonial ecumenism and the theatre of psychology and re-conceptualize them into befitting meanings,

Source by Bose Anand