Bio Magnetism and Its Metaphysical Nature

What is Bio Magentism?

Our physical body is composed of millions of cells. Inside our physical body ‘akash (paramanu)’ particles are whirling in large numbers. The cumulative functional activity of this akash whirling function is the ‘Astral Body’. Every akash particleduring whirling develops friction against the divine field surrounding it and generates magnetic waves. Such magnetic waves dissolve/disperse in the immediate divine field surrounding it and result in magnetic filed. This magnetic field is called as “Bio-Magnetism”.

Method to accumulate and preserve magnetism:

Nityanandha meditation serves the purpose of obtaining and preserving magnetism in our body. In this we stay at TuriumState to receive the magnetism from the universal magnetism and then spread it out through out the body evenly with inhalation and exhalation cycles. This helps us to obtain, stabilize, and preserve magnetism in our human body.

Method to minimize the spending of magnetism:

Panchendriya meditation serves the purpose of minimizing the leaving of magnetism from our body. All our bio-magnetic energy leaves our body out of our 5-sense organs viz.,


2. Tongue

3. Nose,

4. Ear, and

5. Eye.

Mediating on them is the best solution to work on 5-sense attractions so that magnetism is not lost abruptly from our body frequently.

Obtaining magnetism from Guru and Divine:

Swamiji blessed all seekers with Turium initiation that receiving magnetism from the divine as well as from Guru is made possible for everyone in Vethathirium. Also the fact that one can receive magnetism from Yogis even at a distance was demonstrated as a blessing to everyone during their masters training by Swamiji.

How is bio-magnetism related to body functioning?

Due to the number of akash particles present in the body and their whirling, bio-magnetism is getting generated in our body. It is spent in the following forms viz., 1.Light 2.Sound 3.Taste 4. Smell 5.Pressure 6.Mind. Excessive indulgence in any of the above leads to lack of storage and leads to tiredness in our body. Due to any reason, if the magnetic polarity of the cells get disturbed, the bio magnetic current gets blocked at that location leading to bio-magnetic short circuit – This is called pain. If such a short-circuit extends for a longer period then it is called as ‘Disease’.

What is mind?

When we see an object, our eye first perceives the image. The same is then recorded in our brain and then is dispersed in the bio-magnetic field as a magnetic wave – Every thought of a human getting is thus stored in the bio-magnetic field, Thisis what we call mind.

How is bio-magnetism related to soul?

When we see an object, our eye first perceives the image. The same is then recorded in our brain and then is dispersed in the bio-magnetic field as a magnetic wave – All bio-magnetic waves while whirling inside our body develop vortex for themselves. This vortex is the genetic center or soul where all the magnetic waves are at a compressed state. This is also called as soul.

How is bio-magnetism related to hereditary (genetic) Imprints?

Vortex of the bio-magnetism is the genetic center or soul where all the thought waves are at a compressed state. Such magnetic waves at compressed state get imprinted in the sexual vital fluid (which stored in the same locality in the physical body by divinity) and then gets passed on to their progeny as ‘hereditary imprint’.

Source by Saravana Rajendra