If anybody is honestly interested in knowing whether or not this or that doctrine is actually biblical or merely traditional, all they have to do is objectively search the Scriptures like the noble Bereans did in Acts 17:11, after hearing Paul out, to see whether what he taught was true.
The Church of God teaches, like Jesus, “the meek shall inherit the Earth.” Traditional Churchianity denies it and says folks “go to Heaven.” They have many such misunderstandings, idolatrous traditions and pagan myths.
The Church of God keeps the same seventh day Sabbath as Yeshua and the early Church of God, both converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles. The professing Christian world, under influence of Constantine — not Christ — keep pagan SUNday.
The Bible only states the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, the Lord’s Day, and that God is consistent and doesn’t change but warned that some would “think to change the times and the laws” (Daniel 7:25).
The Sabbath-keeping Church of God keeps the same biblical festivals, the holy days of the LORD, that Yeshua and the early Church of God kept (both converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles), with a new and improved understanding, in spirit and in truth, not just according to the letter of the law.
Traditional Churchianity is hostile to God’s holy days and have replaced them with their pagan Roman hollow days, even though biblical prophecy shows such baptized paganism will soon be history as Yeshua, the King of Israel, teaches Torah from Jerusalem and commands all nations to observe the “Jewish holidays.”
It is because of such glaring differences between TRADITIONAL Christianity (following its Roman leaders and Gentilized Jesus), and the Sabbath-keeping Church of God following the Jewish Jesus, exposed by the plain truth teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, that Mr. Armstrong was so hated by many of the angry religious leaders who couldn’t refute what he said and weren’t prepared to change for the better. They chose tradition over truth, just like many religious leaders did in the days of the Prophets and in the days of Yeshua. Nothing new under the sun.