Drawing closer to God and experiencing His very Presence and power is the result of the application of certain spiritual principles over and over again, being consistent and persistent in our pursuit of God and His plan and purpose for our lives.
We draw closer to God through spending time with Him in His Word, the Holy Bible, and in prayer.
One of the most awesome ways to pray is in the Holy Spirit. By this, I am referring to praying in the language of the Spirit, which is known in the Bible as praying in tongues.
I know that this is a subject of much controversy. Many people do not understand the value of praying to God in this manner. And because of a lack of understanding of the subject of being filled with the blessed Holy Spirit, which is accompanied by the ability to speak to God in a supernatural language, people have been robbed of their inheritance in Christ, and a marvelous manner in which to speak to God, spirit to Spirit.
I believe that the subject of the infilling of the Holy Spirit needs to be explain simply and clearly, so that its relevance and necessity can be appreciated and valued.
The mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit, which is the same thing as being filled with the Holy Spirit, is not the same experience as salvation. It is rather a gift from the Father, after we are saved or born again.
Someone may ask, Do I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to go to Heaven? The answer is no.
All a person needs to go to Heaven is salvation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you give your heart to Christ, as Lord and Savior, you are washed from sin in the precious blood of Christ. You are born again, born from above, made a new creature in Christ Jesus, and you, as a child of the Living God, should the Lord Jesus come, stand ready to go with Him, provided you remain in Him.
You do not need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking with other tongues, to get to Heaven. The mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit is to empower you to be an effective witness of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth.
Well, someone may ask, are you implying that every Christian who is not filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues, does not have the Holy Ghost?
No, that would be wrong as well. Every person who has received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, has the Holy Spirit living within. He is the personal representative of Jesus Christ within the believer. The Holy Bible teaches that He is within us as our pledge and guarantee of our new bodies when the Lord Jesus Christ comes for His people.
He is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit within. But not every Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered supernaturally to work for the Lord.
A car may have gas in it. But that does not mean it is filled with gas, does it? Likewise, every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord has the Holy Spirit living within. But that does not mean that he or she is filled with the Spirit, and empowered for service.
Think about what great exploits some have done for the Lord without being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Now imagine what they may have accomplished if they had that added dimension of power, the ability to operate in the supernatural, endued with power from on High. WOW.
According to the sacred Scriptures, when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, we enter into another level in God. And through praying daily in this supernatural language of the Spirit, we can tap into more and more of God’s Presence and His power.
Praying in tongues is a treasure, because the Bible teaches that when we pray in the Spirit, we are speaking directly to God, and speaking mysteries. This means that the devil cannot understand what we are saying to our wonderful Heavenly Father, Jehovah God.
We are talking to Him in such intimate and marvelous terms that it is spirit to Spirit, by the Holy Spirit.
Here are four things that praying in tongues will do for your spiritual life and walk with Almighty God”
1. Praying in tongues will enable you to have private conversations with Almighty God, which neither man nor devil can hinder or understand.
2. Praying in tongues, as the Spirit gives you the words will enable you to draw closer to God the Father than ever before and pray concerning His plan and purpose for your life.
3. Praying in other tongues will enable you to pray about situations, circumstances and other people, who needs your prayers, but about which you may have no natural knowledge.
4. Praying in other tongues will build up your born again human spirit and make you spiritually strong. You will develop spiritual muscles and if you persist in praying in the Holy Ghost and never give up, you will become a mighty force for God in the earth. You will experience and operate in His power.
To receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of praying in other tongues just pray this simple prayer and mean it with all of your heart: Lord Jesus Christ. I believe You are the Son of God. You are my Savior and my Lord. You are the One Who baptizes with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Fill me with Your Spirit. Fill me to over-flowing. And, according to your Word, let the Holy Spirit give me the supernatural language of tongues so that I can communicate with the Father, spirit to Spirit. I receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost right now, in Jesus Name, thank You that I am now filled, and fully expect to speak with other tongues as they did in the Holy Bible, all throughout the Book of Acts. In Jesus Name I pray, and believe that I receive. Amen.
Now thank and praise Him. The language will come. Speak it out. And once it begins, pray in the supernatural language daily. You will be glad you did.