Life In Prison With Lauryn Hill

On July 8, 2013 my existence as I have known it for the past 5 years in prison instantly changed. I had been so drained, physically, emotionally and spiritually that I had no idea how oppressed my spiritual being really was. In the midst of my own internal chaos a beautiful, chocolate face with a warm smile and bright spirit spoke life back into my dry bones. She has sparked a worldwind of knowledge, faith and courage into my broken spirit. It was a tremendous boost, at a time and place where I least expected it. Through her purity and candidness, she has encouraged me to be myself, with no cut on it, despite the barriers that divide me from the free world.

At first sight I admired Lauryn’s courage, which I quickly found out was contagious. Lauryn reminds me of Angela Davis or Assatta Shakur because of her knowledge and strength. Like a soldier who was trained for war, she jumped right into the prison routine and hasn’t missed a beat. Surprisingly, she didn’t shed a tear or complain. Instead, she opened up her spirit for God to use her. Almost immediately, she reached out to listen and comfort the many hurting souls at the Danbury Federal Prison Camp. I am one of them.

I had the pleasure to spend many hours on end just talking to Lauryn about life and her experiences. In such a short period of time I learned so much! I had no clue how intelligent she truly is. I only saw her as a singer, but the truth is she has vast knowledge on so many different levels that it is almost scary. It was shocking to see that we share many things in common, including hardships. In just a few days she became like the sister I had from the same father, but a different mother who I had never met. After 5 years of what seemed like endless pain and disappointments, through Lauryn’s company I experienced intense joy, which is a rare experience in prison.

Some may have mistaken her as crazy, but the truth is she is POWERFUL! She possesses spiritual skill sets that few have, so her conversations are life changing. She is definitely a living inspiration. Like many woman in prison, she is a survivor! People may view her imprisonment as her death, but it is her resurrection. Lauryn doesn’t just “talk-the-talk.” She “walks-the walk!” Don’t sleep on her! She knows her mission and assignment from God, and she is on it! In a few days her mere presence has changed our weary environment and has given many women hope. To us she is a modern day Harriet Tubman. In my heart, I know she came to set us captives free!

Source by Jamila T Davis