The author of this excellent book, Spiritual Living Waters Flowing in Words, Christina R. Jussaume, has blended a variety of poetic forms and styles in this new book. Tribute is paid to her family through the use of the acrostic form. She also uses the rictameter form to uplift her daughter. The beautiful pictures of her family throughout the book certainly portray a special blessing of family togetherness. One should be able to appreciate the many bounties she has received with such a wonderful family just based on her poetic words.
The exemplary way in which she uses the Shakespearian sonnet style to address colors, especially in the poem, “My Rainbow,” is very uplifting. Her poem regarding “Spiritual Healers,” which has a picture of herself and Patricia Ann Farnsworth-Simpson, her longtime poetic friend and publisher, is pleasing to the sense of sight. The extended metaphoric lines in “Thunder in the Heaven” regarding angels clapping their hands is just brilliant. Her imaginative skill in writing poetry is ingenious.
Jussaume uses figurative language in many poetic lines to capture the imagination on the reader in her first book, My Walk with Jesus, which touches on various aspects of life, thus providing examples of unconditional love, beauty beyond measures, helping others, and receiving the heavenly blessings while uplifting God’s wonderful name. The figurative language she uses is symbolic of an eternal spring “flowing in words” within the soul of humankind.
Truly Jussaume is gifted with her eclectic style of using her poetic muse to write in a variety of forms including: acrostic, cascade, English and Italian sonnets, rictameter, quatrain, triplet, English pensee, senryu, lucky leaf, freeverse, somonka, swap quatrain, and many others. She also uses the form, Seventh Heaven, in an outstanding fashion with her poems “Guardian Angels” and “A Week in Time.” Additionally, her talent shines when she writes in the, Christ-in-a-Rhyme poetic form as displayed in: “Embrace God’s Love,” “Prayers for Asthmatics,” “Prayers for Retirees,” “Open Invitation of God,” and “Eternal Life Promised.”
Finally, this is truly a book of inspiring poems for all to read. The words invoke the spirit of heaven and the love of her Savior. This is not just an exceptional poetry book; it should be a blessing in the lives of all readers who believe in the word of God, and His saving grace for others to come to His kingdom, and to know His unconditional love.
Her website is located at: