Meditation, Pendulum Dowsing and the Lottery? What a Combination

For some, meditation is a highly spiritual practice used to connect one with a higher power or level of consciousness. For others, meditation can be strictly medicinal, in that, it’s a clever way to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

Meditation is in fact both. The beauty of this tool is that regardless of who you are and your beliefs, it can be tailor made to suite your needs and desires.

In other words, a devoted atheist can be a devoted meditator and receive no spiritual benefit and yet still benefit from meditating. On the other hand, profound spiritual experiences can and do occur with those who take meditation to a different level.

I have been on guided meditations that have literally brought me to a point where I truly felt I was communicating with a conscious entity on a completely different level of consciousness.

Sure, some could say that this was all in my head, and perhaps it all was. In fact, it was all in my head. It was my mind that was somewhere else interacting with a spiritual being.

I guess the message I am trying to convey here is that meditation is a very important and should be practiced by everyone.

So what does pendulum dowsing and the lottery have to do with meditation? In case you haven’t read my bio, I have a fond curiosity for all things psi related. I find paranormal phenomena very intriguing and very real. In particular, I find Remote Viewing to be the most fascinating because it is taught and you can learn how to do it.

I was going through a period in my life where I was not getting the results I was looking for while meditating. Normally, I would have profound experiences where surges of vibrational energy would flow through my body, and at times, contact with deceased loved ones would come and visit me. This stuff all stopped for some reason and my motivation quickly began to dwindle.

Right about this time I was reading a book written by Dr. Courtney Brown. Dr. Brown is a mathematician, Scientist, Author of numerous books on math, physics and consciousness and an avid remote viewing researcher. Dr. Brown’s book was titled, Remote Viewing – The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception.

Dr. Brown’s book was very intriguing and incredibly enlightening as he commenced to make known rigorous remote viewing experiments conducted by the Farsight Institute over the past ten years. He divulged his blind, double blind and double-double blind experiments conducted and the statistical results were amazing. It was statistically impossible for remote viewing not to exist.

By the time I finished the book, I was convinced that not only was remote viewing possible but that I too could do this. I had found my motivation to meditate again. You see, in order to remote view successfully you need to quite your mind, and in order to quite your mind you need to meditate.

Now what about Pendulum Dowsing? At the time, not only was I having meditation motivation troubles and reading Dr. Browns book but I was also experimenting with pendulum dowsing. This is when it all clicked.

SIDE NOTE: In case you haven’t opened up a new tab in your web browser and already Googled remote viewing, remote viewing is a phenomena developed by the US Government in the early seventies in conjunction with Stanford Research Institute. By using a series of protocols, a remote viewer could actually psychically spy on government enemies regardless of time. That is, an event that had not occurred yet could be remote viewed and data could be collected this way.

This is not science fiction or some bad movie script, this is US Government Counter Intelligence and the program lasted twenty years.

Think about the implications. Here we have proof that looking into the future is possible. Now you might be asking yourself, if people can look into the future why are they not stopping disasters and predicting future events all of the time? Simply put, remote viewing works but not as good as you would expect. As soon as Satellite technology got good enough to spy on our neighbors, the remote viewing programs were shut down.

OK, back to dowsing, meditation and the lottery. I had an idea. Here, sitting in front of me, was tangible proof that one could predict future events, at least certain details to future events and although accuracy was not %100, it was proof that it could be done, and those who were experienced could do it far better and with greater accuracy then those who were new to the system.

This is when it clicked even a little more. Here I am dowsing with a pendulum. Pendulum dowsing is similar to remote viewing, that is, you are retrieving information from a higher level of consciousness via your sub conscious and this information is passed to the conscious via an involuntary muscle response called the idiomotor response. Think reflex. Remote viewers trigger this reflex with some kind of queue. When queued, the remote viewer will create a random scribble known as an ideogram. This ideogram contains information regarding the target the remote viewer is hoping to retrieve information from. The idea is to decipher this ideogram through a series of steps and ultimately end with useful information.

A pendulum dowser will do something similar but instead of being queued and creating a scribble to decipher, the pendulum dowser will ask a series of yes or no questions and watch the pendulum for subtle movements and receive answers this way.

I thought, why not put the remote viewing, the dowsing and the meditation together and create a system.

OK, now here comes the lottery.

So here I have a system comprised of meditation, remote viewing and pendulum dowsing. I needed a future target to help me with my program. The lottery is relatively inexpensive, the reward is tremendous, and the lottery happens every day. How about putting together a dowsing system based on remote viewing protocols and using the lottery as a target?

I did, and it worked better than I could have imagined, except for winning a million dollars of course. The system works, although it is early in its infancy and could use some improvement. I put together a 90 page eBook on the system and I show you exactly how I pick lottery numbers this way. You can try it for yourself and find out, first hand, that psi is real. Download the first two chapters for free by visiting my website

Source by Gene Morris