Have you ever noticed that so many Spiritual practices these days have you directing, guiding, storing, imagining and even forcing energy around yourself or when working with someone else?
Did you know that working with energy in this way has side effects that are not all good?
These days many of the common ‘alternative’ Spiritual practices such as –
- manifestation practices
- visualization techniques
- yoga
- chakra healing and chakra removal
- attuning to symbols
- white Light protection and grounding rituals
- Sexual Taoist practices
- Pranayama and many other breathing techniques
Many of these practices are not ‘Fire’ practices in and of themselves, but most of these practices are being taught as what could be called ‘Fire’ techniques.
What this means is that many of the above practices are actively increasing and accelerating the Yang force within our ‘mindbodyspirit’, rather than functioning to maintain a balance between the two opposing yet complimentary forces of Yin and Yang.
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You only have to observe the world at large to see that we and the Earth itself [as a result of the human race], are on ‘self destruct’ mode. The planet and our collective structural integrity is ‘in the red’ and this is, in part, due to being too dominant in the element of Fire. Fire can be likened to Yang and its counterpart – equally [out] of balance is Yin – likened to the element of Water.
Our collective inertia has allowed us to have reached dangerous levels of global warming [climate change], we are over populated, there are horrific acts of genocide happening in many countries, and many countries around the globe are in drought.
Many of us are over worked insomniacs, living with low to high levels of anxiety, on medication while living disconnected from our physical bodies. Western diets lead many to experience dis-eases such as obesity, heart burn, heart attacks, diabetes, candida, leaky gut. estrogen increase, hyperactivity, ADHD and allergies.
Most men and women are out of touch with their innate sexual essences – the masculine/yang and feminine/yin forces, children are often being raised to be weak in values, and many people’s attention span has been reduced to 8 seconds [less than a goldfish!] due to having their consciousness online much of the day – through smart phones and other electronic devices. Needless to say, from a human perspective we are not in balance!