We have all looked up at the moon at some point of our lives and been in a state of awe at its powerful, majestical presence and magnitude. The moon illuminates the sky and appears as a beacon of light and mystery. It is always there, constant and intriguing in its changing forms.We know that […]
Tag: soul awakening
The Law of Attraction, the Raw Food Diet, and Your Higher Self
A few days ago I had the privilege of listening to a video on longevity by raw food diet guru David Wolfe. I have heard David speak in person a couple of times about ten years ago and I knew he was onto something in the field of health and longevity. There’s no doubt that […]
Cranial Sacral Therapy, Past Life Trauma and Healing
I received my first cranial sacral therapy treatment a week ago, and I have to admit that in some ways, I prefer it to massage. I also believe the benefits of this treatment (in terms of healing) will far outweigh what I could ever expect from a typical massage. In this article I describe my experience with […]
Analogy of Kundalini and Ramayana
Ramayana: Ram [soul] and ayan [journey] means a journey of the soul from time to eternity, from bounds of ego consciousness to the limitless expanse of cosmic expansion and from ignorance to competence. Ramayana is the spiritual science of spiritual growth and progress towards self-realization. Dasharatha: Dasharatha means a person who is capable of riding […]
Reincarnation-Fact or Fiction
Peter Novak writes in The Division of Consciousness, “Half the world believes in Judeo-Christian-Muslim heaven-or-hell scenario, an afterlife containing a judgment followed by an eternal reward or punishment, while the other half believes in the Hindu-Buddhist-Taoist reincarnation scenario, in which people are continually reborn into new bodies, forever forgetting their past lives and identities.” Having […]
Cycles of Depression – Disguises Itself As an Emptiness During the Ascension Process – Part 3
The ascension process can be challenging, because it creates a kind of depression that is like being trapped in your cocoon, not knowing where you are going or what you will turn out like. It is a feeling of being lost, alone and a feeling of hopelessness in a deep dark cocoon. It is the […]
Consciousness Development – Making the Unconscious (Mind) Conscious
Non awareness of embedded non life-serving thought patterns can be the single barrier on our journey of personal “success in life”. This hardly ever spoken about realm is entirely responsible for the functioning state of our mental and physical well-being — including goal achieving — thus making consciousness development a life-priority for humanity. In this […]
Top 5 Questions About Kundalini Yoga
As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, students approach me everyday with questions about this unique and beautiful yoga. Thanks to all of you who have shared your thoughts so freely with me! Your open curiosity provides me with confirmations and “a-ha” moments about this yogic path of self discovery, soul searching, healing, and awakening. To help […]
The Body – Temple of God
St. Paul asked in 1 Corinthians: “Don’t you know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” and “Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God?” In 2 Corinthians he comes right out […]
Undoing the Illusion of Separate Existence
We have to shift our identity from our bodies, which are legion, to our mind, which is one. If you think for a moment of yourself as mind rather than as your body, and then think of yourself as extending beyond your body, you discover that you can actually expand limitlessly. Can your whole city […]