Releasing the Extraordinary Energy You Have – Pay Attention to Your Spiritual Energy

Should you pay attention to your spiritual energy? Does that matter when you are trying to keep a positive mental outlook?

Here are seven sentence prompts. To take an assessment of what you want to keep and what you want to lose in your life, complete each of the sentence starters. Use as few or as many words as you need. This is just for you…

1. I feel most energized spiritually when…

Remember, spirituality does not have to do with religion – although for some people it may. Your spiritual energy is related to your connection with something beyond yourself. For many people, knowing and living their purpose is what energizes them. But you have to answer this for yourself.

2. The most spiritually energizing person I know is…

Who is it, that when you are around him/her – helps you feel connected, aware, enlightened, and purposeful? Write that person’s name down.

3. The most spiritually energized person I know is…

Remember, it’s not the most ‘religious’ person you know. It’s the most enlightened, connected, aware, thoughtful, intentional person you know.

4. I feel least energized (most depleted) spiritually when…

What happens when you are just drained spiritually? When you are sensing a void…what has led up to that? Being depleted in this way can be as life-threatening as being physically drained of all energy. It’s a crisis in the making if you aren’t paying attention.

5. When I need a spiritual energy boost, I…

Do you go somewhere? Read something special? Give someone a call? Go on a walk? Review your personal mission statement? What do you do? It might be something that you have always done to give yourself a boost spiritually or it might be something you’ve just discovered.

6. Too often, I confuse spiritual energy with…

I know what my answer would be…but you need to determine your answer.

7. Too much spiritual energy is required of me right now to continue…

Are you spiritually weary? Are there some activities or people you need to disconnect from because there is just not any spiritual ‘oomph’ left in you?

No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it. ~Harry Emerson Fosdick

Jean Houston says, “We all have the extraordinary coded within us…waiting to be released.”

She did not say, “We all have the extraordinary coded within us…waiting to be pounced upon…” Rather, she said, “R – E – L – E – A – S – E – D.”

Spiritual energy and its replenishment is not something to pounce upon…it takes time and thought. Give yourself both of those and see what happens. Seek the connections that your inner self needs and wants…

Source by Meggin McIntosh