It is not just sex demons like the Incubus and Succubus who have been noted for showering their lustful advances on humans. There have also been numerous cases of ordinary ghosts and spirits who have behaved in a similarly erotic fashion. Many of these amorous phantoms have even appeared stark naked to those who have witnessed them.
Many nude or semi-nude apparitions have been reported from all over the world since time immemorial. Some of these sexy spirits have been friendly, but others not so. Here are just a few cases of both versions of these lustful entities.
In a certain church just on the outskirts of Ipswich, a naked phantom is reported to haunt. This spirit is said to be that of a man, with quite an unpalatable appearance, and was first experienced by a carpenter in June 1953, while he was working on some alterations in the big old property. He claims that whilst he was working on some panelling, a musty smell assailed his nostrils. Then one of his white dustsheets came through the pantry, with what looked like a head on it. Initially he assumed it was just his workmate playing some prank on him, and so he ordered him to stop larking around, whereupon the figure dropped the sheet to reveal a denuded entity with blotchy skin the colour of old parchment.
The ghost was believed to be that of a parson who’d once resided in Rattlesden and had been interred under the house instead of an ordinary grave.
James Mann, a chartered accountant working in Moray, Scotland, encountered a naked apparition in his old family home in Aberdeen. Visiting the house one summer’s day, James found all his relatives there from India. As there wasn’t a spare bedroom available for him, he had to stay in a small room on the ground floor. It had rarely been used in years, and didn’t even have any electricity or heating. Mann therefore had to read by the subdued light of an oil lamp. He soon got the strange feeling that he was not alone in the room, and he began to grow very uneasy. Then the apparition of a young girl suddenly appeared through the wall. Apart from a flimsy petticoat, she was naked to the waist, and her body was, in typical ghostly fashion, transparent. She floated over to the bed and asked him what he was doing here. Then, with a brief smile, she vanished. Mann subsequently found that other people had experienced the same semi-naked apparition in the house.
In America, in April 1989, a young Hollywood actress found herself sharing a bed with the amorous ghost of Rudolph Valentino. She reported experiencing a heavy weight pressing down on the edge of the bed, just as she was drifting off to sleep, one night in the big old apartment building, Valentino Place, which was a favourite party site for Valentino and his female conquests. As the entity appeared beside her in the bed, and started to press up to her, she plucked up the courage to open her eyes… and saw what appeared to be the ghostly face of Valentino lying on her pillow. Shocked, she fainted. When she came to, she was relieved to see that although the ghost had left the blankets and pillow in disarray, it had disappeared back into whatever spiritual realm it had come from.
In September 1979, a strange case involving a “sexy ghost” was reported to a newspaper in the UK. Two husbands complained that their wives had “walked out” on them because of a rather perturbing encounter with a lustful entity. Apparently, the wives had contacted a spirit through dabbling with an Ouija board. This entity purported to be an old German male, and when one of the wives asked it what it wanted, it spelled out the word SEX. This shocked and disturbed the woman so much that she immediately desisted from talking to this spirit ever again. The woman’s husband also claimed that, one day, he found her bent double in a strange position. She seemed to have taken on the visage of a sinister old man with gnarled hands. The husband tried to shake her out of this weird seizure, but remained impervious to this, claiming that she was “possessed”.
Despite the husbands’ insistence that it was the “sexy ghost” of the Ouija board that drove away their wives, the women pour scorn on these claims, and simply attribute their decision to leave their spouses to “boredom”.
Source by Alan Toner