Spirituality: Stop Destructive Gossip and Live at a Higher Spiritual Level!

Gossip can zap the power out of one’s spirit quickly. Gossip is negative, mean spirited, and destructive. It is an addictive, bad habit for the gossiper. Gossip will pull the gossiper, and those around him or her, down to the lowest spiritual level.

If all that isn’t bad enough, God considers gossip a serious sin in the same league as murder, God hating, and other wickedness. (Romans 1:28-32) Gossipers are not in right fellowship with God.

“A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much.” — Proverbs 20:19 NIV

Harmless Good Fun Or Destructive Gossip?

I’m sure you will agree that gossip is something we should not take lightly. What is truly unfortunate, is the fact that most Christians do not consider gossip a sin or wrong. At most, they consider it an insignificant bad habit.

Gossip is a key factor hindering growing prosperity in many people’s lives. And unfortunately, it is rarely recognized. Almost instantly, without thinking twice, gossipers will let rumors, bad-mouthing, confidential information, and idle, malicious talk fly out of their mouths.

If only they knew the damage they are causing! The Bible tells us that a Christian who’s mouth is out of control, deceives his own heart and his religion is worthless. (James 1:26)

Let’s face it: Gossip is not harmless, good fun. It carries a negative tone of abuse that is often demeaning, critical, judgmental, harmful, and hurtful. This is why God has much to say about it and warns us of it’s destructiveness.

Dealing With Gossip

Everywhere from family, work, school to church settings, gossip has become a common destructive factor. It is clearly evident that busybodies are everywhere these days. But the question to ask ourselves is: “Am I guilty of gossip?”

Gossip is often disguised as concern for others or as asking for prayer. However, whenever there is talk about others in an unfavorable way, there is gossip.

Keep in mind: Gossip is a sin that separates us from God and hinders our prosperity. God does not bless sin. Gossipers often deal with unexplainable troubles and rarely get their prayers answered. (Psalm 66:18, John 9:31)

“He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.” — Proverbs 13:3 NIV

Tips to Deal With Gossip:

AWARENESS. We all have tendency to gossip from time to time. To overcome this tendency and have a more spirit-filled, gossip-free life requires awareness when it happens.

PRAYER. It doesn’t matter if you are struggling with a gossip addiction or if you are a victim of gossip, turning to God in prayer is a must. As a gossiper, repent and ask for forgiveness and pray that God help you take control of your words and make them words of encouragement. As a victim, pray that God bless the other person and help them become free as He helps you maintain a forgiving, loving heart.

AVOID. Stay out of other people’s business and avoid association with those who gossip. Refuse to engage in gossip.

CHOOSE. Decide to speak words of encouragement, hope, and love. Steer conversations in a positive direction. Choose to be silent if only destructive words of gossip are on your lips.

LOVE. Walk in love and address gossipers directly and privately in attempting to resolve your issues with them. If confronted for gossiping, be humble and in love be willing to work out your issues.

Believe me: Gossip can spread quickly like a deadly infection. Do not be ignorant of the destruction it carries. You can put a stop to the negative spirit of gossip and choose to walk in love and a higher spiritual level in life.

May your mouth always speak words of encouragement and may your life be full of growing prosperity!

Source by B. K. Smith