There is a cost to doing personal prophecy for other people and there is a time of preparation that you need to take to be in the Spirit to do a prophetic word. You have a responsibility to the people you minister to, to be in the right frame of mind when you prophesy to them.
Doing personal prophecy is a serious business and should not be treated casually. people put a lot of stock in a their prophetic words that they get and sometimes it is best to make sure every word you speak is coming from God and not your own flesh.
I tell people when I do online prophecy to check their prophetic word with a pastor. It makes a lot of sense for a person to have a prophecy checked by someone with spiritual maturity so it can be tested.
Many people gifted in personal prophecy are in a state of growing and so for this reason they should have their prophetic words checked and taken into consideration before they are relied upon like the Bible can be.
It is important as a person that ministers in the prophetic to make sure you have taken sufficient time to be “In the Spirit” before you speak or write a prophecy. So many people depend on personal prophecies and so it is imperative that the prophet is right when they speak the word of the Lord. On our website I have my prophets carbon copy a copy of all their prophecies to me so that they are accountable. I recommend all people be accountable