“Love is the ultimate guru. Where love does not exist, life cannot exist.”
In life, a great spiritual awakening can come from the love a significant other – a partner. Perhaps we should approach our relationships like our yoga practice -growing and evolving. Therefore, Sacred relationships require the same mindfulness that we use to develop our yoga practice. These are presented here, as the Five keys to Sacred Love.
“Like the practice of yoga, sacred relationships require consciousness and wisdom” Chris Walker.
The First Key is Balance
Balance is as paramount in relationships as it is in yoga. True love can only come from a balanced mind. When your mind is balanced, not in excess or deficiency, then the ego cannot act. To see good and bad at one time loosens the grip of egoism and righteousness on the individual and allows their heart to open. Love exists in the stillness of balance. The rest is purely emotional trivia.
The Second Key is Appreciation
In yoga, we must learn to find contentment. Negative consciousness is always pushing us to improve, perfect, aspire and desire more or better. Good yoga practice must overcome this. So too, in a sacred relationship we must learn to function from the higher realms of our mind by learning contentment. Contentment in love comes through appreciation, not wanting to change someone, or ourselves is to become content, and therefore in love. Appreciation grows relationship, wanting to change people defeats it.
The Third Key – learn to grow through challenge
Our real guru is challenge. Our teachers challenge us, and we eventually learn in yoga that this is an act of deep love. We grow in yoga from the challenge of a teacher. In Sacred relationships, our guru must become our beloved. They will challenge us, confront us and therefore, if we can be conscious, grow us. All relationships grow at the border of support and challenge, yet many people run from challenge. As in yoga, we must learn not to blame and accuse in the face of challenges. These are our teachers in yoga and in relationship.
The forth key – The art of Service
WE begin our yoga thinking that our practice of yoga is for self realization, but we discover very quickly, that self realization actually comes from what we give, not what we are. We cannot self realize until we can make others a priority over ourselves. The new student of yoga will be drawn to class because they see some personal gain in it. Eventually, they become devoted to yoga because there is service they can do for others. In Sacred Relationship, we bind with our lover because we serve them. Self serving people, emotionally reactive and pleasure hungry will be unable to sustain relationships, just as they are unable to sustain integrity to their yoga practice.
The fifth step – Love is a lifestyle.
Yoga is more than an asana or a deep backbend. Yoga is more than a meditation done in the morning. Yoga is a lifestyle, a way of life. It includes vegetarian diet, it includes mindfulness of words and deeds. Yoga practitioners are taught non violence and respect – yoga is a way of life. So too is love. One cannot be a vindictive cheat in business and a sacred lover at home. Such duality in personality is the lowest of delusions witnessed in humanity. Therefore, sacred love is a lifestyle, a way of being, a way of treating all people. Even alone, the yogi will be respectful and mindful. So too, the sacred lover who aspires to sacred relationship will act alone as they act in public, with gentleness, compassion, kindness and love.
Sacred Relationship — Ideas to remember
1. Love is cumulative – remember that small acts of forgetfulness add to large disasters.
2. Every day is a sacred day.
3. Emotion is cyclic – with the moon. Love is constant with the sun. Both share influence over the earth, and therefore you. Prioritize one of them.
4. Healing an emotional wound is really the release of ego. Evolution.
5. Nobody does to you more or less than you do to yourself. Don’t play victim.
6. If you are motivated by pleasure – you’ll be de-motivated by pain.
7. Nothing of the senses ever satisfied the soul.
8. People can reject your expectations, they cannot reject your love.