Yoga – An Elixir for Mind and Body

The Method of Kundalini Jagran

The Kundalini Jagran (release of the dormant energy) is achieved via physical and mental exercise. Physical fitness is achieved by the Yoga Asanas. They are a series of postures for exercising and stretching the body. Mental balance is achieved by Pranayama (Breathing Exercise) and Dhyana (Meditation). The Jagran of Kundalini is just the process towards the goal of self-enlightenment. The Bhagwad Gita the ancient book of knowledge and spirituality defines yoga as a means to achieve union with self. When the state of union with self is achieved the mind gets freedom from all desires and becomes absorbed in self. This helps to understand the true nature of life and the environment around.

Yoga – A way of life

Yoga is generally related to the Hindu religion and the yogis but it is not the fact. In fact, it is a way of life with the aim of healthy mind and body. As per Yogic texts man is a combination of physical self, mental self and spiritual self and yoga-practice is a way to develop all the three aspects. Other exercises are only for the body and do not have any connection to the spiritual aspect of life.

Yogic practices, on the other hand, help to regulate physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the benefits of this ancient technique:

• Promotes equilibrium and harmony of mind, body and spirit.

• Helps the body in healing itself. There have been many instances of an ill person getting well without consuming any external medicine, just following the yoga-Asanas and other practices.

• Detoxifies body by removing toxins and the mind by removing negative thoughts.

• Empowers the individual, and the energy can be felt from within.

• Reduction of stress in life is one of the many benefits of yoga-practice.

• Self-awareness is achieved which can help realize true potential.

3 Myths Related to Yoga

1. You Need to Be fit to Practice Yogic Poses – People generally believe that they cannot perform yoga-asana, as they are very complex. This myth has arisen from seeing advance yogis in extreme yogic positions. But unfit people can practice it and the asana can be modulated as per the need.

2. Weekly Exercise is Ideal – In fact, the ancient texts prescribe yoga to be done daily, even if it is just 20 minutes.

3. Yoga is a Religion – Yoga is not a religion, but a philosophy which helps us live a better and responsible life.

Source by Onkarnath Singh