Category: Hollow Earth Theory

Maps, the eyes of history

Video about the history of Cartography, created as a didactic resource for BNEScolar (BNE). An exciting journey through the history of cartography: from the first map of the Babylonian world to the technology of Google Earth, through the efforts of the Greeks to explain the world, the highly religious maps, the representation of America and […]

A Post-Post Modernism Initiative

This article is a transition from the philosophy of postmodernism to post-post modernism. The elements of it are dialectical transcendentalism, metaphysical humanism, post-colonial ecumenism, epistemological anarchy and the theatre of psychology. First I would like to explicate dialectical transcendentalism. I would like to trace the history of dialectics from dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism is a […]

Lost Babylon. Documentary film of Georgian esoteric writer Givi Alaznis’Pireli. First part.

SOS from Georgia!!! We present first part of the documentary series “Lost Babylon” by the Georgian esoteric writer Givi Alaznis’Pireli. Three topics are developing simultaneously: the main cause of strong earthquakes was identified; Second: where does the soul go through a long black tunnel after death of the body. According to the Author, during this […]

The Original High-Flier

Spreading its vast wings wide, the pterodactyl catches the breeze and takes to the air. On the back of a fierce spring wind, it soars above grassy verges and muddy streams, gliding in and out of pockets of tall deciduous trees. With a wingspan of five metres, it is on a completely different scale to […]

Why can't some birds fly? – Gillian Gibb

Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: Though the common ancestor of all modern birds could fly, many different bird species have independently lost their flight. Flight can have incredible benefits, especially for escaping predators, hunting and traveling long distances. But it also has high costs: consuming huge amounts of energy and limiting body […]