Tag: spiritual wellness

Why Do Selfishness and Unhappiness Go Together?

It would not be surprising that how deeply happy one can be, will depend on one’s depth of well-being. For example, those at peace with their lot will likely feel calm, whereas those craving things they haven’t got will tend to be restless. When anyone delights in meeting the needs of others then their satisfaction […]

Neurotheology – With God In Mind

Addressing the general meeting for the “Society of Neuroscience” in 1997, Dr. Ramachandran made comment that “there is a neural basis for religious experience.” Ramachandran’s radical statement catapulted neurotheology well into the public eye. The aim of neurotheology is to question “explore theology from a neurological perspective…helping us to understand the human urge for religion […]

Your Life Is A Choice-What Are You Choosing?

Everything in life is a choice–are you choosing the best or are you choosing to see more negative in every situation or experience? There are many choices for every situation or issue. Some days it seems everything goes well, people help us, the details of events/projects fall into place, outcomes and rewards are visible. Albeit […]

12 Reflections on Personal Responsibility

Responsibility means being accountable for what we think, say, and do. Personal responsibility involves working on our own character and skill development rather than blaming others for situations and circumstances. It means choosing to design a life that honors our values and purpose. Here are twelve reflections on personal responsibility: 1. Personal responsibility begins from […]

Vaastu in Vedic Astrology

The Indian Sub-Continent is host to the oldest civilization on earth and the Indic Vedic script may be the oldest form of writing, as well as the oldest predictive language on planet Earth. Vedic astrology may be older than Western horoscopes, Chinese Astro and Feng Shui. Do you want to harness the ancient wisdom of […]

Dealing With for Job Loss Fears

According to an article in The Washington Post (April 4, 2006) though getting fired ranks as one of the events in life which causes greatest stress it seems that the constant fear of losing your job can actually damage your mental and physical health even more. It appears that the unrelenting nature of the stress […]

Thailand – The Spa Capital of Asia

Thailand is one of the most sought after places for vacationing or taking a break to unwind by pampering yourself with exotic spa treatments. Thailand is home to the best spas in Asia and has bagged several awards including the AsiaSpa Awards where it received the title “Asian Spa Capital of the Year.” Thailand deserves […]