Category: Hollow Earth Theory

10 Horrible Ways To Die in JURASSIC WORLD! Ep 1 | In-Depth Analysis |

⚠️ WARNING: This video contains graphic depictions and scenes that may be unsuitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised ⚠️ Buy these dinosaurs and more in this poster! Dinosaur/Creatures Poster : This episode will cover 10 of Isla Nublar’s most dangerous dinosaurs and creatures that can put a definitive end to you in the […]

A New Science-Art Solution to the Global Information and Communications Epidemic

The ethical evolutionary growth and development of the human condition is extremely complex. The task of advancing human evolution involves the recognition of past scientific mistakes and acting accordingly. Modern science has classified itself as an incurable carcinogenic state leading to certain extinction and that is not ethical. Ancient Greek science on the other hand, […]

A Bird of Paradise!

One challenge of your adventure on earth is to rise above dead systems: wars, religions, nations, destructions- to refuse to be a part of them, and express instead the highest self. In his little book Messiah’s Handbook, Richard Bach writes some very interesting thoughts. The one above does make me think about what I claim […]

Earth Goddess

The history of the worship of “earth goddess” and the mythology related to it can be seen in many forms in many of the ancient tribes and societies. Some of the examples are the Aztecs who worshiped goddess Tlalteuctli, the Greeks who worshiped Goddess Demeter and the ancient tribes of the northern Germany who worshiped […]