Tag: the spiritual

The Spiritual Contract of Marriage

The other day I wrote about the civil contract of marriage. Let me jump into an area of thought that is very subjective.. the spiritual. Or, is it subjective? Let’s make the observation right at the beginning that many of the lifelong marriages we’ve known about have survived incredible pressures because of their faith in […]

Jamais Vu: The Spiritual Secret for Discovering True Love That Lasts a Lifetime

As an emotional empath, spiritual intuitive and relationship advisor the one question we get more than ANY is about how to create enduring love in a romantic relationship. After all… its’ cliche to say that it’s NATURAL for the “spark” to disappear after a while, because MOST people already know that, and unfortunately experience it […]

White Sun – The Spiritual Family

There is a saying: “When we walk past and rub shoulders with someone in the street, consider the number of people we have walked past in comparison to those whom we have never walked past. The number of years of affinity that we have with the people whom we walked past in the streets and […]

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of Job?

This is a book in the Old Testament that tells about a man who loses everything to the devil and is left destitute and constantly questioning why it has happened. It is a metaphor, however, for the spiritual people of God who have been robbed by religions that promote the devil and have put a […]